School Uniform and Equipment

School uniform gives a sense of belonging and pride in the school whilst also ensuring equality amongst students. In addition, a smart appearance contributes positively to the students' attitude to work and study; it also significantly influences how the school is perceived by the general public.

Please see our recent communication regarding uniform changes from September 2025.

The official uniform suppliers for the Uplands Academy uniform are Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists in Tunbridge Wells

We would like parental support in ensuring that all students come to school correctly dressed. If your child is asking to wear something that is not listed as allowed, please remind them of the school expectations.

If a student is incorrectly dressed, we will endeavour to lend him or her uniform. Students in the wrong uniform, or with items of uniform such as a blazer, missing, may have to stay with their tutor until they are wearing correct school uniform.

If your child has a medical issue that means they need to wear trainers, then we will need a medical note. In this instance, trainers should be plain black and without logos.

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Second-Hand Uniform Provision

Our school works with a local charity shop Celia Hammond Animal Trust who sell second-hand Uplands Academy school uniform. Parents/carers are also invited to donate their child’s uniform when they no longer need it to the charity shop.
